Wednesday, May 29, 2013


50. When I play Flag Football, I play dirty.

49. I don't drink Coffee.

48. Hates John Starks (he knows why)

47. Big fan of the Steppenwolf and Chicago Shakespeare Theatre.

46. Mistaken for security at almost every bar or club.

45. Always felt that kid from “Captain Planet” with the heart ring got a raw deal.

44. Thinks you should be able to shoot that punk-ass dog in “Duck Hunt.”

43. Watched Grey’s Anatomy for two seasons and I want those hours of life back.

42. Favorite Wrestler: Ric Flair

41. Once took a road trip and only played T.I.’s “KING” album both ways.

40. Watched every second of that awful “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer” flick, fell asleep during “Lincoln”.

39. I still have all of my old Starter Jackets.

38. Thinks Helen Miren can probably still get it.

37. Can croon Billy Joel’s “For the Longest Time” on request.

36. Awful Basketball Player.

35. Head-Butted (intentionally this time) my opponent during a High School wrestling tournament after he laughed at an injured teammate. Won my match too.

34. My snoring was once confused for choking in sleep.

33. Love that Canada Dry Ginger Ale.

32. Read Max Brooks’ “Zombie Survival Guide” cover to cover several times just in case…

31. Still hoping the Fugees get back together and record another album some day.

30. Favorite International City: Paris

29. Favorite U.S. City (outside of Chicago): D.C. (Portland is gaining though)

28. Beer Snob (Craft, Corona or Modelo)

27. Almost bitten by a big ass snake when I was 12 only to be saved by my Machete-wielding Grandmother.

26.  Visited all major Chicago Museums and both Zoos at least 10 times each.

25.  Favorite Book: “The Sun Also Rises” by Ernest Hemingway.

24. I have an Allograft. Translation: I have a tendon from a cadaver in my knee.

23. Favorite Concert: Up In Smoke (Dr. Dre, Eminem, Ice Cube, Nate Dogg, Warren G, Xzibit, West Side Connection, Kurupt, Snoop Dogg)

22.  I go cross-eyed when I lift weights.

21. Lifetime record of 0-5 against Captain Morgan’s Rum.  Nothing good ever happens…

20. Jokingly convinced a girl my buddy and I were cousins…for two years.  Got slapped when she found out.

19. Favorite Baseball Player: Frank Thomas

18. I’m making my wife sign a prenuptial just so she can’t get her hands on my Basketball and Baseball cards.  I’m just kidding…maybe.

17. Believes Flaming Hot Cheetos are a great way to clear the sinuses.

16. Once grabbed a beer can and chugged it thinking it was mine, was a spitter instead, and threw up.

15. Favorite Basketball Player: Charles Barkley

14. Most Embarrassing Moment: Drunk crawling across the casino floor and lobby of the Wynn Las Vegas & Encore Resort and then falling in the bushes outside.

13. Want to see me flustered? Give me a compliment.

12. I was a pretty shy kid until about 16.

11. Favorite Horror Movie: “Halloween.”  Jamie-Lee Curtis Halloween, not that Rob Zombie bullshit.

10. I’m a sucker for a woman with a sense of humor.

 9. Favorite Football Player: Ray Lewis

8. Favorite Song: “History” by Jay-Z.

7. Favorite Food: Italian and Indian.

6. My sister is the exact opposite of me and I love it.

5. I’m capable of adapting and interacting with any group of people.

4. If I can be half the person my folks are, I will be all right in the world

3. I’m a lover of nonsense.

2. My group of friends is cooler than yours, just saying.

1. I dream with my eyes wide open.


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