Wednesday, February 13, 2013


In the next 48 hours, you’re going to read or at least glance at a dozen articles on where you should go, buy, see, and do for Valentine’s day if you're married, engaged, dating, single or just hate it and blah blah blah blah blah.

Honestly I'll just be chilling.

Tomorrow, I won’t be wining or dining some pretty girl at some trendy restaurant.  I’m not angry about it either, because that’s on me. 

I KNOW in the past year, there have been women who liked me but I passed up the chance for whatever reason.  Maybe I didn’t put myself out there because I wasn’t 100 percent certain or maybe I just over-thought the whole situation.   Both are very likely.

I also won’t be barricading myself into my condo Christopher Dorner style with no intention of coming out until Friday.  I love everyone 364 other days of the year; I’m not going to stop for one day because I don’t have a female of my own.

I’m just going to treat tomorrow for just what it is: Thursday. 

I’m going to go about my daily routine, hit the gym and then maybe see ‘A Good Day to Die Hard’ (I really wish they had gone with a shorter title).    Maybe I’ll call up a buddy to see it with me or I may see it solo.  Not because I’m lonely, but because sometimes I just like to see movies alone as it allows me to clear my mind for a few hours.

I’ll probably even throw on a slow jam on the way home and sing it out loud because slow jams are AWESOME!  If you’re a dude, it’s only cool to sing Slow James alone in the car or shower unless the song is by an R&B group. In that event, you need three other gentlemen with similar thinking to croon it along with you.

I think what annoys single-people so much about Valentine’s Day is that it’s definitely become one big dick-measuring contest with the emergence of Social Media.

 Technically, every day on Facebook and Twitter these days is about one-upping each other, but February 14th does tend to take it up a notch because it involves the word “LOVE.”

You don’t hate Valentine’s day as much as you hate other people consistently reminding you that it is and you’re not celebrating it with anyone.

There’s going to plenty of pictures of your girlfriends showing off their flowers, candy or oversized teddy bears or even engagement rings since proposing to a girl on Valentine’s Day isn’t cliché at all. But to each their own.

There’s going to be a few pictures of your homeboys, rocking that collared shirt you’re positive you puked on during the last bachelor party complete with their wife or girlfriend under their arms and with the caption; “Getting ready to take babe out!”

And there’s going to be plenty of “cute” messages that couples send to each other over Facebook.

No one can stand those messages, you want to dodge them on your FB news feed but they keep coming like a Zombie horde on Valentine’s Day.

It’s one thing if you see those messages and the couple is in a long distance relationship, it’s a little annoying if they live in the same city but it’s ABSOLUTELY DETESTABLE IF YOU HAPPEN TO LIVE TOGETHER! YOU SEE EACH OTHER EVERY DAY! JUST TELL EACH OTHER HOW YOU FEEL WHEN YOU GET HOME! LOVE IS AN ENIGMA THAT EVERYONE FROM THE OUTSIDE SHOULD WONDER ABOUT!

Now just because I point out why most single people dislike Valentine’s day doesn’t mean they have a right to vocalize their displeasure for it either. 

Those people would most likely be on the same nonsense if they were with someone and WILL do it once they do find that person. So take it easy with all the hate. Sooner or later you’ll be guilty too. Even I know that, except the cute message part, fuck that noise.

Tomorrow, lovers, go do your thing and love each other.  Just go easy and keep it between you two.

Haters and lonely people, stop.  While your time is not here yet, you know damn well you have plenty of people in your life who love you and if you don't think so, you're an idiot.



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