Thursday, February 28, 2013



10. Tong-Po (Michel Qissi)-Kickboxer
            Kickboxer’s pony-tailed antagonist shatters Eric Sloane’s spine and then has his boys kidnap him in an attempt to ensure victory when younger brother Kurt (Jean-Claude Van Damme) challenges him for revenge.  He even beats & rapes Kurt’s girl, Mylee!  Lesson Learned: Never visit Thailand. EVER.

  9. Kelly Stone (Joe Piscopo)-Sidekicks
            Comedian Joe Piscopo plays kind of a John Kreese-Lite (The Cobra Kai Master from Karate Kid) and does a decent job of it too as his Stone Karate School cronies terrorize daydreamer Jerry Grabrewski.  Motherfucker MUST be joking though to think he can throw down with CHUCK NORRIS!  In fact Chuck kills Piscopo’s career, as he’s never heard from again after this flick.

8. Ryan “The Terror” McCarthy (Cam Gigandet)-Never Back Down
            He’s popular, rich, and good-looking but the only thing he loves more than Mixed-Martial Arts is fucking the new kid up in front of the whole school while videotaping the entire thing.  How big of a douche is Ryan?  Well, he later enters his fight at the infamous “Beatdown” to Soulja Boy…

7. Commodos (Joaquin Phoenix)-Gladiator
            He’s kind of a more evil, but also more pussified ancient Roman version of WWE’s Vince McMahon.  He uses everything including fucking Tigers to take out Maximus and even STABS him before finally facing him on and he STILL can’t beat him.  Maximus told you he’d have his vengeance in this world or the next bro…

6. Zeus(Tommy “Tiny” Lister)-No Holds Barred
            Before he was “Deebo” in Friday or the President in The Fifth Element , Tommy “Tiny” Lister was ZEUS and his one mission in life was ending the life of Wrestling champ Rip (Hulk Hogan).  Lister would actually go on to wrestle for the WWE for a few years after this movie.

5. John Gillon (Bruce Dern)-Diggstown
            He’s a former Boxing manager and the richest guy in Diggstown, Georgia on account that he bet against his best, and heavily favored fighter and then sabotaged the fight. Yes, life is good for John Gillon until he takes a $1.5 million dollar bet that con-man John Kane’s guy, Honey-Roy Palmer, can’t beat ten Diggstown Boxers in one day.  Never con a con man Mr. Gillon.

4. George Washington Duke (Richard Gant)/Tommy Gunn (Tommy Morrison)- Rocky V
            You can’t have one without the other; Duke’s got the hustle and can’t get Rocko to fight, so he steals and brainwashes his protégée for the muscle.  Honestly this movie sucked, except for the EPIC street fight at the end that leaves Gunn in handcuffs and “The Duke” in a position no brother wants to be in; stranded in south Philly and surrounded by a bunch of angry Italians…

3. John Kreese (Martin Kove)- The ORIGINAL Karate Kid
            This Karate Sensei won't be winning any Sportsmanship awards anytime soon… 


2. Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka)-The ORIGINAL Karate Kid
            This bandanna wearing punk-bitch has, and will continue to inspire generations of d-bags for years to come.  He is THE 80’s villain.  You gotta admit, he actually makes being a prick cool…

1. Chong Li (Bolo Yeung)-Bloodsport
            While Johnny Lawrence wins the tool of the 80’s award, THIS guy was just pure evil.  The crazy part is Bolo Yeung was 42 when this flick was made! LOOK at him! The man is jacked!  He severely beats Ray Jackson, the friend of main character Frank Dux (Van Damme again) before attempting to kill Frank, himself, by throwing salt in his eyes and giving him the business too.  Van Damme wins at the end because you know, it’s his movie, but shit Bolo was a motherfucker.

Even Chung Li’s demeanor and walk says, “I don’t give a shit, I’ll end you.”


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