Friday, February 8, 2013

A message From The WST to you, the reader.

Four years ago, I did something that I had really never done in my life.

I doubted myself.

I fooled myself into thinking I wasn’t good enough, intelligent enough, witty enough or just skilled enough to make this happen.  

I was waiting for a moment to come to me instead of making my own.

Then one-month ago today, something happened.   

Something clicked, I woke up at four in the morning and began to write for the first time since college.

Since that day, for five days a week, Monday through Friday, I’ve continued to write without hesitation.  I’ve stayed up late, I’ve woken up early and I can only describe the feeling in a word…


And what's even more amazing is that YOU have been reading the Well-Spoken Token blog.  I’ve hit a couple home runs on some posts, whiffed on others, but people have been reading and that's pretty cool.

You’re reading in Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Washington, Texas, California, New York, D.C., South Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Missouri, Florida, Oregon, even the United Kingdom (What can I say? the Queen digs me).

You’re reading in my hometown of Oak Park, IL and my current home, the city of Chicago.

And to all of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Because this is what I love and this is what brings me joy.

I love to talk, debate, discuss, listen, learn, laugh and live life while writing about all of it. This is who I am and who I'll always be.

 In the last month, I've had some shitty days (like any human being) and still considered them a success knowing that I posted something on this blog and somewhere, SOMEONE was reading and nodding their head in agreement.

Smiling because you can picture me right next to you saying exactly what you're reading, complete with my infamous “I know he just did something” grin.

Laughing because I praised white people for their fantastic contributions to the dessert world or that I tend to bring up your favorite forgotten movies at any random moment.

 Teasing and giving me shit about the blog because you enjoy my reaction.  I love every moment of it, even if I front like I don’t.

The WST’s page views are about 70-150 a day. Those numbers are nowhere close to what I think it can grow into, but it’s a pretty damn good start in my book and I owe that to all of you for getting me this far and spreading the word.

To my friends and family, thank you for the e-mails, calls, texts, messages and comments wishing me luck or words of encouragement.

White, Black, Indian, Native American, Arab, Latin, Asian? Thank you.

Straight, Gay, Lesbian? Thank you.

Conservative, Liberal, Independent? Thank you.

Domestic or International? Thank you.

I can’t look into the future, I’m taking it a day at a time and as the days continue, hopefully so will the overall quality of my writing, format and the blog itself because I am still learning.

Finally, get ready for more because I'm going to keep talking sports with thoughts on culture, life, love and entertainment sprinkled in a way I only know how.

I want your input, I want your thoughts, and most of all, I want you to have as much fun reading the WST as I do writing it.

So enjoy the weekend and the 48 hours of freedom that comes with it.

I’ll be here for you when Monday morning comes around and every day after...

Except the weekends, THOSE DAYS ARE STILL MY DAMN TIME!!!!!!!

Keep Reading and much Respect.



  1. so wait. you actually enjoy when I give you shit about everything being material ? haha great work scoop! so proud of you!

  2. Of course, I do, because I know it's all in love.
