Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I love (and hate) a good double-take song.

A double-take song (DTS) is when that one track comes on that doesn’t really fit your personality at all and causes others to glance at you with that bewildered “really dude?” look.

Personally, I’ve been caught red-handed multiple times with DTS cuts in my playlist. 

Rascal Flatts? Check.  Eddie Money? Check.  Calvin Harris check.  Smashing Pumpkins check.  A little Biebs? Double Check.

Sometimes it’s not about the lyrics, or the even the artist…sometimes you can’t help but find a song catchy...

And when you hear that catchy tune, you obviously can’t stop listening, no matter how embarrassing it would be if people found out you enjoy Bulletproof by LaRoux

 Maybe you try to limit the playing of a DTS to an audience of you and listen in a low-key manner when you're just at home, or in the car, or at the gym.

However, sooner or later, you get sloppy...

You'll ride around with a group of friends, pop in a random CD, and this happens…
Or hosting a party when this comes over the speakers…
Nothing wrong with it, in fact it’s hilarious.

I know there are over two dozen people still getting their eyes checked after they saw my big ass singing along with the Lumineers last month at Bonnaroo.

And then there are situations like this past Saturday….

I got caught up in the moment and realized I’d been dancing to a song that only a couple weeks earlier, I gave the cold-shoulder despite one girl taking about ten minutes to explain to me why it was dope.

That song?

Nothing against the former Hannah Montana, but she’s never been my cup of tea despite her new career direction in which she’s clearly been turned out by someone in the rap game.

Until you put me in the basement of a lounge with a number of liquored-up individuals...

Then I guess it’s time to boogey.

 On top of it, the same girl who had hyped it up in the first place  was on-hand and probably watching like “see bitch, I told you that song was the one!”


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